Apple Moved to SpaceShip in 2016

Currently, Apple is planning to build a new headquarters. Interestingly, the new headquarters is designed similar to a spaceship and UFO.

If the plan is seamless to get permission from the local government, then Apple CEO Tim Cook sure all the crew will move to the central office in 2016.

Quoted from Cnet, Saturday (02/03/2013), a unique and futuristic design is already designed and predictable on the idea of the former CEO and co-founder of Apple, the late Steve Jobs.

Overview when viewed from afar, the new Apple headquarters is more similar to the space shuttle was landing. Later, will stand on land of 2.8 million square kilometers.

With the new location, Apple hopes to capture a lot of employees to 14,200. For comparison, Apple's current headquarters has only 2,800 employees.


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